2013 Island Creek 5K

Island Creek Elementary School
Springfield, VA

For corrections and changes please email brian@dcraodrunners.org

P First Last G Age City St Net Time Gun Time G-Rank A-Rank
-- ----- ---- - -- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ----
1 Bill Bernier M 37 -- -- 0:19:59 0:20:05 1 1
2 Paul Muller M 34 Alexandria VA 0:19:58 0:20:33 2 2
3 Sheldon Hervey M 51 Lorton VA 0:20:40 0:20:42 3 3
4 Scott Horneber M 34 Fairfax VA 0:22:02 0:22:17 4 4
5 Michael Stehlik M 43 -- -- 0:22:26 0:22:32 5 5
6 Laura Bailey F 34 Alexandria VA 0:22:39 0:22:40 1 1
7 Joshua Mcclintock M 11 Alexandria VA 0:23:30 0:23:30 6 1
8 Brian Diehl M 38 Alexandria VA 0:23:03 0:23:31 7 6
9 Todd Hanlon M 40 Alexandria VA 0:23:39 0:23:43 8 7
10 Jason Dunn M 25 Arlington VA 0:23:03 0:23:56 9 8
11 Blake Deterding M 9 Alexandria VA 0:23:41 0:23:57 10 1
12 Donald Priem M 45 Alexandria VA 0:23:38 0:24:15 11 9
13 Michael Hervey M 11 Lorton VA 0:24:14 0:24:20 12 2
14 Katie Carley F 28 Alexandria VA 0:24:23 0:24:40 2 2
15 Angeline Hannachi F 32 Fairfax VA 0:24:34 0:24:52 3 3
16 Katie Silbermann F 11 Lorton VA 0:25:00 0:25:05 4 1
17 John Faulkner M 11 Alexandria VA 0:25:05 0:25:11 13 3
18 Parrish Solis M 20 -- -- 0:24:53 0:25:12 14 10
19 Becky Pancoast F 30 Alexandria VA 0:25:14 0:25:24 5 4
20 Bill Patrick M 35 Arlington VA 0:25:14 0:25:25 15 11
21 Daniela Lazarte F 22 Dumfries VA 0:25:32 0:25:39 6 5
22 Ellen Niemeyer F 33 Alexandria VA 0:25:21 0:25:46 7 6
23 Al Delgado M 53 Lorton VA 0:25:56 0:26:02 16 12
24 Mateo Segura M 11 Alexandria VA 0:26:11 0:26:13 17 4
25 Josh Kelty M 34 Alexandria VA 0:26:12 0:26:26 18 13
26 William Faulkner M 8 Alexandria VA 0:27:06 0:27:17 19 1
27 Amelie Murphy F 11 Lorton VA 0:27:20 0:27:20 8 2
28 Marie-Claire Murphy F 9 Lorton VA 0:27:23 0:27:23 9 1
29 Sarah Whiteside F 12 Alexandria VA 0:27:02 0:27:25 10 3
30 Bryce Maygren M 36 Fort Belvoir VA 0:27:26 0:27:35 20 14
31 Lauren Faulkner F 9 Alexandria VA 0:27:26 0:27:39 11 2
32 Hayden Page M 11 Alexandria VA 0:27:52 0:27:55 21 5
33 Kevin Page M 42 Alexandria VA 0:27:53 0:27:57 22 15
34 Connor Cosgrove M 10 Alexandria VA 0:27:29 0:28:11 23 2
35 Glory Gurrola F 10 Alexandria VA 0:28:20 0:28:22 12 3
36 Matt Gurrola M 44 Alexandria VA 0:28:19 0:28:23 24 16
37 Emma Hofseth F 10 Lorton VA 0:28:25 0:28:26 13 4
38 Leyton Mcfarland M 10 Alexandria VA 0:28:45 0:28:51 25 3
39 Maria Syquia F 42 Lorton VA 0:28:41 0:29:02 14 7
40 Catherine Kim F 39 Alexandria VA 0:28:27 0:29:11 15 8
41 Dominic Kaczor M 8 Lorton VA 0:28:32 0:29:12 26 2
42 Ian Dinesen M 35 Alexandria VA 0:29:09 0:29:13 27 17
43 Mina Dinesen F 8 Alexandria VA 0:29:10 0:29:14 16 1
44 Chase Clutter M 6 Alexandria VA 0:28:50 0:29:14 28 1
45 Darlene Christopher F 45 Alexandria VA 0:29:13 0:29:22 17 9
45 Susannah Harris F 45 Arlington VA 0:29:14 0:29:22 17 9
47 Logan Guilfoil M 10 Alexandria VA 0:29:24 0:29:24 29 4
48 Charles Cosgrove M 39 Alexandria VA 0:28:45 0:29:28 30 18
49 Anne Benovil-Murphy F 47 Lorton VA 0:29:29 0:29:31 19 11
50 Jerome Jeal M 35 Alexandria VA 0:29:03 0:29:39 31 19
51 Abbi Jankowski F 31 Alexandria VA 0:29:06 0:29:40 20 12
52 Seth Guilfoil M 8 Alexandria VA 0:29:42 0:29:42 32 3
53 Jonathan Woolsey M 10 Alexandria VA 0:29:05 0:29:56 33 5
54 Bill Whiteside M 48 Alexandria VA 0:29:36 0:30:02 34 20
55 Colleen Giantesano F -- Alexandria VA 0:29:46 0:30:05 21 1
56 Emery Santo F 40 -- -- 0:29:16 0:30:07 22 13
57 Jennifer Stanton F 41 Lorton VA 0:29:44 0:30:26 23 14
58 Todd Blyler M 49 Lorton VA 0:30:17 0:30:32 35 21
59 Kathleen Welch F 46 Alexandria VA 0:30:20 0:30:38 24 15
60 Douglas Cherry M 46 Alexandria VA 0:30:22 0:30:39 36 22
61 Anna Mack F 11 Springfield VA 0:30:26 0:30:43 25 4
62 Lisa Crowley F 31 Alexandria VA 0:30:15 0:30:46 26 16
63 Alison Satinoff F 40 Alexandria VA 0:30:15 0:30:46 27 17
64 James Salus M 46 Alexandria VA 0:30:54 0:31:01 37 23
65 Jacquelyn Salus F 33 -- -- 0:30:17 0:31:02 28 18
66 Michael Short M 39 Lorton VA 0:30:40 0:31:05 38 24
67 Melody Upah F 47 -- -- 0:31:06 0:31:13 29 19
68 Dan Satinoff M 41 Alexandria VA 0:30:38 0:31:16 39 25
69 Hudson Mueller M 10 Alexandria VA 0:30:52 0:31:23 40 6
70 Joanne Silbermann F 46 Lorton VA 0:31:13 0:31:23 30 20
71 Tucker Mueller M 8 -- -- 0:30:56 0:31:28 41 4
72 Mia Cestare F 9 Alexandria VA 0:31:16 0:31:30 31 5
73 Anne Cestare F 48 Alexandria VA 0:31:16 0:31:32 32 21
74 Katie Cosgrove F 31 Arlington VA 0:30:58 0:31:41 33 22
75 Amanda Huntley F 37 Alexandria VA 0:31:13 0:31:44 34 23
76 Mark Dovey M -- -- -- 0:31:29 0:31:51 42 1
77 Eric Powell M 8 Lorton VA 0:31:50 0:32:05 43 5
78 Hannah Livermon F 10 Lorton VA 0:32:06 0:32:06 35 6
79 Carla Powell F 35 Lorton VA 0:31:50 0:32:07 36 24
80 Sydney Lowe F 10 Alexandria VA 0:32:06 0:32:07 37 7
81 Kelly Dickson F 24 Alexandria VA 0:32:08 0:32:10 38 25
82 Joy Kaczor F 38 Lorton VA 0:31:37 0:32:18 39 26
83 Amanda Muller F 33 Alexandria VA 0:32:04 0:32:41 40 27
84 Eric Lacava M 6 -- -- 0:32:26 0:32:46 44 2
85 Lydia Mack F 9 Springfield VA 0:32:34 0:32:52 41 8
85 Susanne Miller F 47 Springfield VA 0:32:34 0:32:52 41 28
87 Christopher Mccarrick M 48 -- -- 0:32:48 0:32:57 45 26
88 Colin Short M 12 Lorton VA 0:32:58 0:33:06 46 6
89 Ryan Blymiller M 8 -- -- 0:32:52 0:33:10 47 6
90 Joey Hartz M 10 Alexandria VA 0:32:29 0:33:15 48 7
91 Darias Jack M 10 Alexandria VA 0:33:10 0:33:19 49 8
92 Mia Mccarrick F 9 -- -- 0:33:11 0:33:20 43 9
93 Annika Mccarrick F 8 -- -- 0:33:11 0:33:22 44 2
94 Stephanie Shearer F 36 Hatfield PA 0:32:39 0:33:26 45 29
95 Julia Shearer F 7 Hatfield PA 0:32:40 0:33:27 46 3
96 Sophia Seehusen F 7 Lorton VA 0:33:27 0:33:54 47 4
97 Dean Seehusen M 42 -- -- 0:33:26 0:33:54 50 27
98 Elijah Seehusen M 10 Lorton VA 0:33:28 0:33:55 51 9
99 Amy Richards F 41 Alexandria VA 0:33:46 0:34:12 48 30
100 Alicia Capobianco F 32 Boston MA 0:33:35 0:34:12 49 31
101 Nancy Kalisch F 44 -- -- 0:33:47 0:34:13 50 32
102 Jason Oswalt M 32 -- -- 0:33:45 0:34:25 52 28
103 Michael Funk M 11 Alexandria VA 0:33:45 0:34:25 53 7
104 Alesandra Santo F 10 -- -- 0:34:03 0:34:30 51 10
105 Max Vonkolnitz M 10 Alexandria VA 0:34:22 0:34:35 54 10
106 Jud Vonkolnitz M 48 Alexandria VA 0:34:22 0:34:35 55 29
107 Margaret Vonkolnitz F 47 Alexandria VA 0:34:24 0:34:37 52 33
108 Julie Macrina F 39 Springfield VA 0:34:35 0:34:37 53 34
109 Rachel Barrows F 11 Alexandria VA 0:34:14 0:34:39 54 5
110 Toula Christou F 40 Arlington VA 0:34:14 0:34:53 55 35
111 Will Pullen M 8 -- -- 0:34:36 0:34:58 56 7
112 Scott Fenaoui M 44 Alexandria VA 0:34:54 0:35:01 57 30
113 Maryam Fenaoui F 10 Alexandria VA 0:34:55 0:35:01 56 11
114 Joshua Blymiller M 8 -- -- 0:34:54 0:35:03 58 8
115 Brian Pullen M 43 -- -- 0:34:43 0:35:03 59 31
116 Brian Romano M 28 Woodbridge VA 0:34:32 0:35:09 60 32
117 Kidus Amanuel M 10 Alexandria VA 0:34:35 0:35:09 61 11
118 Justin Wood M 28 Lorton VA 0:34:35 0:35:09 62 33
119 Jason Cassell M 7 Alexandria VA 0:34:21 0:35:10 63 9
120 Rhea Ghandour F 8 Alexandria VA 0:34:24 0:35:13 57 5
121 Amanuel Beyene M 39 -- -- 0:35:05 0:35:26 64 34
122 Meron Laiketsion F 35 -- -- 0:35:04 0:35:27 58 36
123 Emily Cassell F 9 Alexandria VA 0:34:52 0:35:40 59 12
124 Debbie Cassell F 34 Alexandria VA 0:34:52 0:35:40 60 37
125 Jacob Macrina M 10 Springfield VA 0:35:37 0:35:40 65 12
126 Kirt Cassell M 35 Alexandria VA 0:34:52 0:35:40 66 35
127 Mike Macrina M 46 Springfield VA 0:35:40 0:35:42 67 36
128 Jack Clapp M 9 Alexandria VA 0:35:17 0:35:49 68 13
129 Jenna Fortunato F 9 -- -- 0:35:18 0:35:51 61 13
130 Rhea Sidhu F 8 Alexandria VA 0:35:41 0:35:53 62 6
131 Ruby Sidhoo F 39 Alexandria VA 0:35:50 0:36:01 63 38
132 Connor Spada M 9 Poquoson VA 0:35:47 0:36:30 69 14
133 Michael Spada M 36 Poquoson VA 0:35:46 0:36:31 70 37
134 Robert Sitch M 42 Alexandria VA 0:36:16 0:36:31 71 38
135 David Faulkner M 6 Alexandria VA 0:36:19 0:36:32 72 3
136 Brian Ranaudo M 36 -- -- 0:35:48 0:36:34 73 39
137 Megan Macewen F 23 Alexandria VA 0:36:00 0:36:36 64 39
138 Christine Magee F 49 Alexandria VA 0:36:14 0:36:42 65 40
139 Michelle Guilfoil F 45 Alexandria VA 0:36:41 0:36:43 66 41
140 Carl Hans M 48 Lorton VA 0:36:35 0:36:44 74 40
141 Martha Delgado F 50 Lorton VA 0:36:39 0:36:44 67 42
142 Samee Shaikh M 11 Alexandria VA 0:36:33 0:36:44 75 8
143 Mamou Ehui F 8 Alexandria VA 0:36:45 0:36:45 68 7
144 Srilakshmi Kumar F 40 Alexandria VA 0:36:12 0:36:46 69 43
145 Wendy Trickey F 39 -- -- 0:36:23 0:36:47 70 44
146 Jane Trickey F 7 Alexandria VA 0:36:22 0:36:47 71 8
147 Sarah Cestare F 7 Alexandria VA 0:36:24 0:36:48 72 9
148 Marc Magee M 12 Alexandria VA 0:36:19 0:36:50 76 9
149 Catherine Turingan F 40 Alexandria VA 0:36:30 0:36:58 73 45
150 Yannis Chignon M 11 Alexandria VA 0:36:54 0:36:59 77 10
151 Joseph Cestare M 44 Alexandria VA 0:36:35 0:37:02 78 41
152 Madison Mueller F 9 Alexandria VA 0:37:14 0:37:31 74 14
153 Maradee Mueller F 38 Alexandria VA 0:37:15 0:37:32 75 46
154 Steve Lowe M 48 Alexandria VA 0:37:21 0:37:34 79 42
155 Nicholas Bonilla M 11 Alexandria VA 0:37:33 0:37:41 80 11
156 Maria Panteleos F 38 Alexandria VA 0:37:04 0:37:42 76 47
157 Alexander Panteleos M 9 Alexandria VA -- 0:37:42 81 15
158 Ashleigh Casad F 35 Alexandria VA 0:37:28 0:37:59 77 48
159 Andrea Diehl F 39 Alexandria VA 0:37:32 0:38:00 78 49
160 Julie Wolfe F 41 Alexandria VA 0:37:28 0:38:17 79 50
161 Susan Hall F 32 -- -- 0:38:04 0:38:23 80 51
162 Eric Bohn M 6 -- -- 0:38:42 0:38:50 82 4
163 Marc Bohn M 34 -- -- 0:38:41 0:38:51 83 43
164 Keith Hofseth M 55 Lorton VA 0:38:04 0:38:53 84 44
165 Erin East F 34 Alexandria VA 0:38:06 0:38:54 81 52
166 Myles Russell M 9 Alexandria VA 0:38:47 0:39:10 85 16
167 Gavin Rhatigan M 8 Alexandria VA 0:38:29 0:39:13 86 10
168 Amelia Birch F 6 Alexandria VA 0:38:06 0:39:15 82 1
169 Stacy Knight F 39 -- -- 0:38:45 0:39:16 83 53
170 Tiffany Cox F 39 -- -- 0:39:02 0:39:32 84 54
171 Laurence Santo M 43 -- -- 0:39:12 0:39:41 87 45
172 Jackson Hanlon M 10 Alexandria VA 0:39:07 0:39:41 88 17
173 Judy Hanlon F 38 Alexandria VA 0:39:08 0:39:42 85 55
174 Nancy Blyler F 50 Lorton VA 0:40:12 0:40:28 86 56
175 Jen Griswold F -- -- -- 0:40:07 0:40:32 87 2
176 Cole Griswold M 7 Alexandria VA 0:40:07 0:40:32 89 11
177 Ishmael Rodrigo Jr. F 43 Lorton VA 0:40:23 0:40:45 88 57
178 Jeremy Larchick M 38 Alexandria VA 0:40:06 0:40:47 90 46
179 Gwendolyn Geller F 9 Alexandria VA 0:40:10 0:40:47 89 15
180 Whitney Larchick F 8 Alexandria VA 0:40:07 0:40:47 90 10
181 Amelia-Therese Rodrigo F 8 Lorton VA 0:40:38 0:40:59 91 11
182 Marie Esguerra F 36 Alexandria VA 0:40:39 0:40:59 92 58
183 Timmy Springs M 10 Alexandria VA 0:40:47 0:41:16 91 18
184 Carmen Mazyck F 13 Mason Neck VA 0:41:20 0:41:25 93 6
185 Cassidy Mazyck F 8 Mason Neck VA 0:41:22 0:41:26 94 12
186 Ahmed Zuhair M 10 -- -- 0:40:53 0:41:38 92 19
187 Abyan Mohamoud M 12 -- -- 0:42:06 0:42:06 93 12
188 Jessica Strohl F 24 Arlington VA 0:42:06 0:42:07 95 59
189 Alexander Cho M 8 Alexandria VA 0:41:30 0:42:14 94 12
190 Dorie Black F 42 Lorton VA 0:41:33 0:42:14 96 60
191 Samuel Black M 7 Lorton VA 0:41:34 0:42:15 95 13
192 Karyn Brunson F 36 Alexandria VA 0:41:53 0:42:18 97 61
193 Amy Clutter F 36 Alexandria VA 0:41:55 0:42:20 98 62
194 Aubrey Geller F 13 Alexandria VA 0:41:45 0:42:21 99 7
195 Myungeun Cho F 37 Alexandria VA 0:41:40 0:42:21 100 63
196 Catherine Hoffman F 36 Alexandria VA 0:41:46 0:42:22 101 64
197 Patricia Cantru F 34 -- -- 0:41:56 0:42:23 102 65
198 Mike Danylec M 36 Alexandria VA 0:41:44 0:42:34 96 47
199 Jamie Hartz F 37 Alexandria VA 0:41:47 0:42:35 103 66
200 Lucas Danylec M 7 Alexandria VA 0:41:46 0:42:36 97 14
201 Cherie Rogers F 43 -- -- 0:42:47 0:42:51 104 67
202 Nicholas Panteleos M 38 Alexandria VA 0:42:17 0:42:54 98 48
203 Stefano Panteleos M 6 Alexandria VA 0:42:19 0:42:55 99 5
204 Andia Dinesen F 35 Alexandria VA 0:43:09 0:43:10 105 68
205 Mckenzie Dinesen F 10 Alexandria VA 0:43:09 0:43:10 106 16
206 Emma Lacava F 8 Alexandria VA 0:42:22 0:43:26 107 13
207 Susie Lacava F 44 Alexandria VA 0:43:01 0:43:26 108 69
208 Christopher Esguerra M 7 Alexandria VA 0:43:22 0:43:43 100 15
209 Michael Esguerra M 33 Alexandria VA 0:43:21 0:43:45 101 49
210 Nati --missing-- M 10 Alexandria VA 0:43:27 0:43:54 102 20
211 Philip Mack M 48 Springfield VA 0:43:50 0:44:09 103 50
212 Danielle Mack F 6 Springfield VA 0:43:52 0:44:09 109 2
213 Ridley Stein F 10 -- -- 0:44:51 0:45:34 110 17
214 Stephanie Sigmon F 38 Mclean VA 0:45:20 0:45:34 111 70
215 Erica Stein F 41 -- -- 0:44:52 0:45:34 112 71
216 David Mazyck M 44 Mason Neck VA 0:45:47 0:45:53 104 51
217 Renee Faulkner F 41 -- -- 0:45:53 0:46:42 113 72
218 Marcus Short M 9 Lorton VA 0:46:28 0:46:43 105 21
219 Mary Short F 40 Lorton VA 0:46:30 0:46:46 114 73
220 Adriana Fortunato F 7 -- -- 0:46:15 0:46:48 115 14
220 Melinda Fortunato F 39 -- -- 0:46:15 0:46:48 115 74
222 Aaden Maddox M 6 Alexandria VA 0:46:38 0:46:57 106 6
223 Angela Blount F 38 Alexandria VA 0:46:42 0:46:57 117 75
224 Tana Tafara-Maddox F 37 Alexandria VA 0:46:40 0:46:58 118 76
225 Clarice Rhatigan F 10 Alexandria VA 0:47:51 0:48:37 119 18
226 Karen Rhatigan F 44 -- -- 0:47:52 0:48:38 120 77
227 Marcey Brothers F 44 Alexandria VA 0:51:01 0:51:08 121 78
228 Jordyn Brothers F 10 Alexandria VA 0:51:01 0:51:08 122 19
229 Eugene Russell M 48 Alexandria VA 0:50:52 0:51:16 107 52



Upcoming Events

RRCA Club Challenge 10M
Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @8:00am
2025 Annual Meeting & Club Banquet
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @5:00pm
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.