2013 Panther Pride 5K

Bristow Run Elementary School
Bristow Run, VA

For changes and corrections please email Brian@dcroadrunners.org

P First Last G Age City St Net Time Gun Time G-Rank A - Rank
-- ----- ---- - --- --- -- ---- ---- ---- ----
1 Anthony Cumba M 14 Bristow VA 0:23:17 0:23:17 1 1
2 Madison Birge F 10 Bristow VA 0:23:51 0:23:51 1 1
3 Evelyn Hansen F 10 Bristow VA 0:24:20 0:24:20 2 2
4 Eileen Stammler F 36 Haymarket VA 0:24:38 0:24:40 3 1
5 Chris Guarraia M 40 Fairfax VA 0:24:48 0:24:51 2 1
6 Thomas Hansen M 13 Bristow VA 0:24:55 0:25:00 3 2
7 Mariatu Koroma-Nelson F 31 Bristow VA 0:25:22 0:25:25 4 2
8 Brad Bogan M 45 -- -- 0:25:44 0:25:46 4 2
10 Monique Toussaint F 36 -- -- 0:26:04 0:26:09 5 3
9 Patrick Cumba M 43 Bristow VA 0:26:08 0:26:08 5 3
12 Amy Vandenburg F 41 Bristow VA 0:26:09 0:26:15 7 2
11 Lara Patton F 44 Haymarket VA 0:26:10 0:26:12 6 1
13 Newton Keith M 46 Bristow VA 0:26:37 0:26:38 6 4
14 Khaled El-Khodari M 51 Bristow VA 0:26:46 0:26:46 7 1
15 Cali Carter F 14 Gainesville VA 0:27:07 0:27:09 8 1
17 Curtis Yenyo M 29 Manassas VA 0:27:17 0:27:24 8 1
16 Jennifer Lafreniere F 41 Bristow VA 0:27:18 0:27:18 9 3
19 Justin Turner M 39 Bristow VA 0:27:24 0:27:27 10 1
18 Brendan Wilkinson M 9 Bristow VA 0:27:25 0:27:25 9 1
20 Dan Ricks M 39 Bristow VA 0:27:42 0:27:42 11 2
21 Samantha Hodges F 9 Bristow VA 0:27:52 0:27:52 10 3
22 Stephanie Godfrey F 34 Bristow VA 0:28:13 0:28:20 11 4
23 Lauren Jarrett F 10 Bristow VA 0:28:23 0:28:23 12 4
24 Michelle Skelton F 40 Bristow VA 0:28:26 0:28:28 13 4
25 Jan Arvik M 46 -- -- 0:28:32 0:28:37 12 5
26 Tyler Birge M 12 Bristow VA 0:28:44 0:28:44 13 3
27 Tricia Wirnow F 36 Bristow VA 0:29:01 0:29:04 14 5
29 Lindsay Ference F 23 -- -- 0:29:07 0:29:11 15 1
28 Frank Gigler M 24 Gainesville VA 0:29:07 0:29:10 14 2
30 Meghan Williams F -- Arlington VA 0:29:18 0:29:22 16 1
31 Susan Carter F 53 Gainesville VA 0:29:36 0:29:38 17 1
32 Megan Sorrell F 34 -- -- 0:29:54 0:29:57 18 6
33 April Sagun F 34 Bristow VA 0:29:54 0:29:58 19 7
34 Jim Kenney M 44 Bristow VA 0:30:03 0:30:09 15 6
36 Sandie Scott F 36 -- -- 0:30:16 0:30:24 21 8
35 Madison Turner F 14 Bristow VA 0:30:18 0:30:20 20 2
39 Madelyn Hodges F 8 Bristow VA 0:30:28 0:30:34 23 5
38 Amy Hodges F 39 Bristow VA 0:30:28 0:30:34 22 9
37 Logan Grant M 9 Gainesville VA 0:30:33 0:30:33 16 2
40 Melanie Keith F 10 Bristow VA 0:30:35 0:30:35 24 6
41 Kaylee Benton F 10 Bristow VA 0:30:37 0:30:37 25 7
45 Michelle Yenyo F 35 Manassas VA 0:30:38 0:30:46 26 10
44 Eric Davison M 42 Bristow VA 0:30:43 0:30:46 19 7
46 Justin Davison M 10 Bristow VA 0:30:44 0:30:46 20 4
42 Patrick Wilkinson M 7 Bristow VA 0:30:44 0:30:44 17 3
43 Douglas Wilkinson M 39 Bristow VA 0:30:44 0:30:44 18 3
47 Jennifer Andrew F 43 -- -- 0:30:47 0:30:54 27 5
48 Cindy Bogan F 43 Bristow VA 0:30:53 0:30:56 28 6
50 Stacey Shaw F 34 Bristow VA 0:31:00 0:31:04 29 11
49 Daniel Gardner M 13 Bristow VA 0:31:02 0:31:02 21 4
51 Robert Gurtler M 78 The Plains VA 0:31:05 0:31:10 22 2
52 Andrew Glasgow M 9 Bristow VA 0:31:10 0:31:10 23 5
53 Hannah Mcgarvey F 9 Bristow VA 0:31:10 0:31:10 30 8
54 Sadie Aram F 12 Bristow VA 0:31:12 0:31:13 31 3
55 Trevor Stirling M 8 Bristow VA 0:31:14 0:31:14 24 6
56 Jim Aram M 40 Bristow VA 0:31:18 0:31:18 25 8
57 Rebecca Rainey F 14 Bristow VA 0:31:37 0:31:38 32 4
58 Latoya Williams F 38 Gainesville VA 0:31:39 0:31:43 33 12
59 Christopher Timothy M 10 Bristow VA 0:31:57 0:31:57 26 7
60 Kathy Glasgow F 43 Bristow VA 0:32:03 0:32:05 34 7
61 John Glasgow M 45 Bristow VA 0:32:04 0:32:06 27 9
62 Robert Stirling M 36 -- -- 0:32:09 0:32:11 28 4
64 Gina Welc F -- Springfield VA 0:32:40 0:32:45 35 2
63 Christopher Serino M 8 Bristow VA 0:32:44 0:32:44 29 8
65 Lauren Timothy F 7 Bristow VA 0:32:56 0:32:56 36 9
66 Michelle Randolph F 35 -- -- 0:33:10 0:33:10 37 13
67 Megan Hutcherson F 11 Bristow VA 0:33:29 0:33:29 38 5
68 Joan Holliday F 47 Montclair VA 0:33:35 0:33:39 39 8
69 Ivan Glasgow M 12 Bristow VA 0:33:44 0:33:45 30 5
70 Janine Byers F 42 Gainesville VA 0:33:49 0:33:56 40 9
71 Claudia Lenahan F 9 Bristow VA 0:33:58 0:33:58 41 10
72 Amy Lenahan F 38 Bristow VA 0:34:00 0:34:01 42 14
73 Lydia Fredericks F 8 Bristow VA 0:34:05 0:34:05 43 11
74 Alison Fredericks F 41 Bristow VA 0:34:05 0:34:05 44 10
75 Nick Borowski M 7 Gainesville VA 0:34:09 0:34:12 31 9
77 Lauren Snook F 8 Bristow VA 0:34:10 0:34:17 45 12
76 Steve Borowski M 38 Gainesville VA 0:34:10 0:34:13 32 5
78 Suzanne Snook-Marple F 42 Bristow VA 0:34:10 0:34:18 46 11
80 Chloe Jones F 10 Bristow VA 0:34:56 0:35:02 47 13
79 Matthew Nelson M 14 Bristow VA 0:34:56 0:35:01 33 6
81 James Jones M 41 Bristow VA 0:34:57 0:35:02 34 10
82 Nathan Alescio M 8 Bristow VA 0:35:05 0:35:05 35 10
83 James Alescio M 41 Bristow VA 0:35:05 0:35:05 36 11
86 Skylar Nelson F 10 Bristow VA 0:35:06 0:35:10 50 16
84 Colleen Benton F 10 Bristow VA 0:35:06 0:35:06 48 14
85 Anna Glasgow F 10 Bristow VA 0:35:06 0:35:07 49 15
87 David Nelson M 35 -- -- 0:35:07 0:35:13 37 6
88 Doug Rule M 55 Manassas VA 0:35:44 0:35:52 38 3
89 Chris Shipper M 30 Bristow VA 0:35:59 0:36:07 39 7
90 Erin Ricks F -- Bristow VA 0:36:11 0:36:11 51 3
91 Katie Timothy F 14 Bristow VA 0:36:14 0:36:15 52 6
92 Brian Marple M 42 Bristow VA 0:36:16 0:36:23 40 12
93 Dylan Snook M 13 Bristow VA 0:36:16 0:36:24 41 7
94 Amelia Shipley F 8 Bristow VA 0:36:38 0:36:43 53 17
97 Janice Shipper F 30 Bristow VA 0:37:00 0:37:08 55 15
95 Tim Morgan M 38 Oakton VA 0:37:00 0:37:04 42 8
96 Angelique Calvanese F 41 Bristow VA 0:37:01 0:37:04 54 12
98 Mackenzie Wanshon F -- Bristow VA 0:37:28 0:37:30 56 4
100 Aidan Cumberbatch M 7 Bristow VA 0:37:50 0:37:54 44 11
99 Adrian Cumberbatch M 37 Bristow VA 0:37:50 0:37:53 43 9
101 Kathy Rainey F 51 Bristow VA 0:37:54 0:37:57 57 2
102 Evan Hawthorne M 10 Bristow VA 0:38:15 0:38:15 45 12
103 Michael Benton M 42 Bristow VA 0:38:28 0:38:29 46 13
104 Vicki Shipley F 47 Bristow VA 0:38:37 0:38:43 58 13
105 Angela Gregory F 39 Gainesville VA 0:39:03 0:39:04 59 16
107 Julian Henderson M 8 Bristow VA 0:39:18 0:39:23 47 13
106 Meaghan Henderson F -- Bristow VA 0:39:18 0:39:18 60 5
108 Melanie Hansen F 8 Bestow VA 0:39:23 0:39:23 61 18
109 Sally Winkelmann F 50 Bristow VA 0:39:46 0:39:48 62 3
110 Jake Kanter M 8 Bristow VA 0:40:07 0:40:10 48 14
111 Heather Serino F 40 Bristow VA 0:40:12 0:40:17 63 14
112 Heather Steele F 32 -- -- 0:40:13 0:40:23 64 17
112 Heather Steele F 32 -- -- 0:40:13 0:40:23 64 17
114 Decembre Briceno F 24 Manassas VA 0:40:13 0:40:23 66 2
115 Kayleigh Hansen F 15 Bristow VA 0:40:26 0:40:28 67 1
116 Sophie Aram F 9 Bristow VA 0:43:16 0:43:16 68 19
117 Pearl Wanshon F -- Bristow VA 0:43:21 0:43:23 69 6
118 Erica Preston F 20 Manassas VA 0:43:57 0:44:00 70 3
119 Nikki Nelson F 8 Bristow VA 0:45:35 0:45:35 71 20
120 Jeffrey Hansen M 5 Bristow VA 0:45:58 0:45:59 49 15
122 Audrey Baldwin F 32 Bristow VA 0:46:03 0:46:13 73 19
121 Julie Kanter F 44 -- -- 0:46:10 0:46:12 72 15
123 Haley Jones F 7 Bristow VA 0:46:25 0:46:31 74 21
124 Lisa Riello-Jones F 40 Bristow VA 0:46:27 0:46:34 75 16
125 Jackie Waddell F 53 Springfield VA 0:47:08 0:47:13 76 4
126 Kimberley Grant F 43 Gainesville VA 0:47:20 0:47:25 77 17
127 Beth Heim F 40 -- -- 0:49:11 0:49:21 78 18
128 Danielle Kirkland F 33 Woodbridge VA 0:49:17 0:49:26 79 20
129 Lacey Nelson F 35 Bristow VA 0:50:47 0:50:47 80 21
130 Rachel Rinker F 30 -- VA 0:51:30 0:51:38 81 22
131 Merryn Hawthorne F -- Bristow VA 0:51:56 0:51:57 82 7
132 Matthew Neal M 7 Bristow VA 0:54:37 0:54:37 50 16
133 Robyn Neal F 43 Bristow VA 0:54:41 0:54:43 83 19
134 Jonathon Rinker M 32 -- VA 0:56:20 0:56:28 51 10
135 Joan Irwin F 43 Manassas VA 0:58:17 0:58:20 84 20

Upcoming Events

RRCA Club Challenge 10M
Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @8:00am
2025 Annual Meeting & Club Banquet
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @5:00pm
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
Hero Dogs 5K9
Sat, May 17th, 2025, @8:00am
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.