Tonight's Hugh Jascourt 4M race is still on. Potential rain and/or thunderstorms may or may not happen for race time. We will make every attempt to have the race tonight as long as it can be done safely. We would postpone the race in if a Thunderstorm warning is posted but that is unlikely at this time. It actually looks like a good chance that the weather will clear before the 7PM start time. As of now we will continue as planned and as follows on site:
If thunder is heard, or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen we will temporarily delay the race and take shelter in our cars. Once the race has been suspended, we will wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed before we try again to start the race. We will do the same again if daylight allows otherwise cancel the race for tonight and look for a potential date to reschedule.
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