SLR Jan 21 - DC Sightseer Loop - TENTATIVE pending weather

Hello Saturday Runners!

This Saturday, Jan 21st, we will be running the DC Sightseer route. The listed route mileage is 15 miles – with plenty of other options as well. You'll run by plenty of landmarks and memorials, as well as the "Occupy DC" Protesters in Freedom plaza (be sure to give a loud DC Roadrunners greeting just to make sure no one oversleeps). Check out the cue sheet and map-my-run map. Please thank Randy Larkin for post-run beverages this week.

Directions: Starting at Iwo Jima Memorial, take Key Bridge, then turn right down M St. through Georgetown, bear right on Pennsylvania Ave. On the way, curl around back of the White House next to Lafeyette Park, right on 15th street, then get back on PA Ave. Pass Freedom Plaza, say "Hi" to the Occupy DC protesters, hold nose (optional). Run towards the Capitol. Just before reaching Capitol, go diagonally left up Louisiana Ave. to Union Station. Turn right in front of Union Station then right on First St. NE to go by the back side of the Capitol in front of the Supreme Court. Turn right on Independence Ave and get on the National Mall. At the Lincoln Memorial, turn left along Ohio Drive and the Potomac River. After 3/4 mile, just before the little Inlet Bridge, do not cross the little Inlet Bridge, but instead turn left and run clockwise around the Tidal Basin. At the end of the Tidal Basin loop, pass the Jefferson Memorial on your right, cross 14th St. Bridge, take Mt. Vernon Trail North along the river then left on Memorial Bridge, finish at Iwo Jima. Heated bathrooms with water are in the little house by Washington Monument, under Lincoln Memorial, and under Jefferson Memorial.

Approx. Mileage Options

  • 9: After Lincoln Memorial, come directly back via Memorial Bridge
  • 12: Do route as written but skip the loop around the Tidal Basin, so take the little Inlet bridge on Ohio drive, then take stairs up to cross 14th street bridge and take Mt. Vernon trail North, cross Memorial bridge
  • 13.5: Do as written in cue sheet, come back via Memorial Bridge
  • +1.5: Stay on Mt. Vernon Trail North, run out on Roosevelt Island to the Statue of Teddy, and come back via Rosslyn to add 1.5 miles (makes it 15 total)
  • +3: Add a loop around Hains Point to add 3 miles before coming back via 14th street bridge

This is a great route for anyone new to the area, visitors, or just those trying to get reacquainted with the sights, sounds, and smells of DC. Enjoy!

-- Erik


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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.